Wednesday, October 7, 2020


Rodavelle Galvez Neñez

          The rapid advancement of technologies arises on economic, political, and social structures where multidimensional exchange and trade interconnects various sectors and nation. The ubiquitous progress of globalization is coarse and erratic which tends to bestir the economy, capitalist nation and competition between multinational companies across different countries. It’s disparate denouement varies on each nation, one might benefit, the other does not. According to the videos shown, not only products ought to cross national borders but also the exchange of knowledge nor ideas, languages, services, and cultural goods. The ideological component of globalization is highly integrated with solidarity and progress that contributes to human and structural development.

         Globalization has multifarious impact on each nation. It was thoroughly explained with it’s pros and cons and how it affects local ventures and business. The process was described as a block of chocolate, smartphone, and as a relationship among developed and third world countries. Structural changes across various sectors varies over economic dimension, time, and place. In order to attain an equal balance and efficient globalization, global standards must be set in terms of employment, tax, and environment governed by global rules for an efficient development. The severity caused by this pandemic have subsequently abate the potential impact on the process of globalization. International exchange of goods and services have recede as this health crisis gave impact on major infrastructures and multinational companies.

How Globalization affects

How have you experienced globalization?

      Medium of globalization arises on economic, technological, and political structures which interconnects diverse countries. The raging waves of technological advancements, trade and import of goods have proliferated. Social media (fb, IG, twitter) is a good example of globalization as trade of idea arises and exchange nor imports of products.

Why is it crucial to emphasize that globalization is uneven?

       The coarse and erratic effect of globalization has tend to bestir as it concerns the economy, capitalist nations, competition between multinational companies across different countries and an uneven geographical and social development. It's disparate denouement varies on each nation, one might benefit, the other does not.

What is the difference between globalization and globalism?

        Globalization is a complex phenomena and uneven process that refers to multidimensional exchange and trade that interconnects various sectors and nation. It describes the connection between individuals and spread of intellectual ideas across the world. Globalism on the other hand, is the ideological component of globalization of which products ought to cross national borders.

Why certain products are made in the Philippines while others are produced abroad?

         Philippines construct, fabricate nor manufacture goods in an acceptable system where products are of good condition at lower cost. Most of the appliances, equipments, and cloth lines found on our homes are locally purchased, owing to the fact that this is essential to the economy and are much affordable at low end price. Nevertheless, some products are made abroad considering the fact that some citizens has this thinking and attitude that foreign products are much innovative, has better quality, and will last longer which was true at some point.

What are the costs and benefits of Free Trade?

            Free Trade enables each nation to import and export goods nor services resulting to economic growth and efficiency. The upshot may increase export and innovation, better quality products and an affordable prices for consumers.

What is the role of internet, communication, and technology in Globalization?

            Internet, communication, and technology plays an essential role in the progress of globalization. These common medium abets support for media and information exchange and widens global knowledge providing each nations closer. Various barriers such as culture, tariffs, trade, subsidies, and global expansion difficulties might recede through harnessing and application of these advancements.

How is Globalization affecting Nation States?

      Globalization has profoundly influenced Nation States through politics, culture and economy. The outcome of Globalization varies accordingly to the strength and weakness of a state. It begets diverse opportunities for well developed and industrialised countries along technological advancements, exports, imports and market.

How is Globalization affecting Culture?

               Cultural diversity have taken effect variously as Globalization arises. Beliefs, traditions and norms are widely disseminated across the globe creating cultural understanding and culture identity. Nevertheless, it may pave way to rational identity and culture domination of developed countries.

What are the environmental impacts of Globalization?

                As Globalization progresses each decade, economic activity bestirs. This might result to havoc nor decimation of natural resources and causes environmental degradation. To compromise economic and global demand, the environment might suffer as nation advances leading to climate change, global warming, ocean acidification and etc.

How does Globalization affect industry and employment?

                 Global industry and employment might be affected as these opportunities was linked to economic activities. Industries may strengthen where manufacturer offers a high quality product ensuring an affordable cost. Globalization may also increase economic productivity resulting to progress efficiency. However, it may raise job insecurity, price instability and unemployment.

Photo Credits: 

  • Globalization:
  • How Globalization affects:


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice work!