Monday, November 25, 2019


Do you know who you are?

“People merits more on judging
Seeing every inch of someone’s flaw
Yet they themselves
Are in doubt of who they really are”

         Won’t you ask yourself of who you really are? Won’t you be appalled by the reality that every individual still doubts thyself? Won’t you bother know why aren’t you like somebody whom you wanted to be? Won’t you be sad on the fact that you were like an empty space, wandering and searching for something nor someone unknown? Ask thyself!
          Living in this cruel world has not been easy, people struggle for their daily lives, satisfying their unending wants. Most are onto the raging waves of modern satisfaction, reaching the stairway of benevolent life and up heaving the truthful lies. Human searches for extravagant applaud and seek more for endless discovery yet forgets about their own selves.
         Countless individuals devote their lives for senseless things. This tends to be farcical, most are of narrow-minded set up, and they often seek to gain knowledge but understand too little.
          With accordance to what Lao Tse have said, “He who knows others is clever, but he who knows himself is enlightened”, he is referring to what extent have you known that engraved heart. Have you really discerned yourself?

Photo Credit:
  • Know Thyself:

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