Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Self-Concept Evinced Through Social Comparison

 Self-Concept Evinced Through Social Comparison

          Social Comparison is merely inevitable. This benevolent generation have made humanity a narrow minded individual. Each of us behests dubious judgements and discord. It is ourselves who often abate and degrade self value prompting inferiority, frustration, low self-esteem and self efficacy, envy and guilt. We all had insecurities, remorse, impurity and an unceasing crave for perfection. Ever and anon, I have also felt this horrendous character. I sometimes yearn for pleasurable qualities and physical perfection envisaging how a certain personality act, behave, and talk. I am just an average individual that engenders mistakes and misgauge. I admit that I am an inept, incompetent, and ineffective being as I have no talent and imperfect. I clandestinely admire those who can sing melodiously, dances veraciously, passionate sketches, well-shaped body and voguish individuals.

          According to Carl Rogers, self-image, self-esteem, and ideal self are the three components of self concept. These three elements can be influenced by social institutions, peers, family, and setting which affects a person variously. Self image are the physical characteristics, social roles, personality traits and emotional capabilities of an individual. Whereas, self esteem is the personal value and subjective judgement of self worth. Ideal self on the other hand is the idealized image of how we would like to look and act created by oneself.

          Social pychologist Leon Festinger proposed the Social Comparison Theory in 1954. The theory explains the process of comparing one's attitude, ability, trait, and capability with others. The two components of Social Comparison Theory are (a) Upward and (b) Downward. Upward Social Comparison is when an individual compares himself/herself with others, nevertheless, this serves as a motivation towards self improvement. However, Downward Social Comparison is when an individual compares oneself to others who are worse than one's capability or attitude.



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