Monday, November 25, 2019


(1st and 2nd week of June, year 2019)

          Hell year, it is. Another year of humane sacrifice and responsibility has unfortunately come. Vacation was abruptly over and classes were officially opened. It’s ironically a back to basic restart for us, as students. This year’s final staircase towards the bloody battle against failure awaits to those who perseveres.
          CHEMISTRY, a new seed of unknown knowledge have finally grown to its extent. It’s an optimal branch of learning that has challenged the new warriors, of where I belong to. Am I one of those who’ll survive til’ end or am I one of the unfortunate ones? Interesting!
          For these past weeks, expectations aroused to its optimal level. Third of June have been a fresh start for us, seekers of knowledge. Most are enthusiastically inspired to give off their best efforts. While I, on behalf of their warm welcome to the raging burnt of fire have opposed. I ain’t the typical student who comes to school to be praised for high grades. I came to learn new knowledge not to gain numbers, though sometimes I’m tempted. Acceptance to the mere fact that most forgets the essence of schooling, is what usually happens. Each is destined to school to later have a better job, but why can’t some live their lives as young ones? None of my business!
          First and second week of class was delivered in a great manner. All of my expectation (most are commonly negative) have been vanquished, when the background of chemistry was given.  Back when I was in eleventh grade, I was confusedly wondering of what this field of learning talks about. I had really no idea of what chemistry is, before. However, as days passed, things have changed. I’ve had this feeling that I’d love Chemistry, though Chemistry hates me.
          These past two week lessons are given in a concealed manner. I have gain lots of knowledge on the roles of Chemistry in our society and on the introduction of matter and its properties. I have also realized the importance of having chemistry. My first expectation towards chemistry was an opposite to what I have learned. I shouldn’t have judged the subject by its name. How horrible!
          Concerning the delivery of data, the ideas and topics were detailed and is informational. The different topics that we’ve discussed in every meeting have lingered my interest. But what interests me most is the preceding topic, Stoichiometry. I am looking forward to this topic on gaining new knowledge.
          These two weeks of attaining new knowledge was a step towards the long distance finale. Before everything else is forgotten, the teaching style and methods are great which made us learn easily. And of course the teacher itself was great on her own ways. I’m thankful enough that she’s not a monstrous teacher. I like the way she teaches her students and how she bends over to reach us. That was great work.
          I’m looking forward for the next days! Hope I’m one of the survivors on the bloody battle of warriors! Adios!

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